Monday, August 17, 2015

Farmer Stephanie--All On Her Own

With Farmer Gina on vacation in California, Farmer Stephanie has no photos to share at this point because Farmer Stephanie doesn't have a clue how to put them in her post.  Next week, perhaps, but after all, she is a Farmer not a tech wizard!

To update you on the happenings on Pine Street Family Farm:  The chickens continue to delight us with their antics.  I have been "elevated" from a mere Chicken Crooner to Chicken Mama.  They come running when they see me and I have trained them to eat out of my hand.  Not bad for an old gal new to chicken life with chickens which were not "hand raised".  No matter, they love me.  They are like dogs, except they actually give something in return.  I'm all about love and devotion, but you can't eat those; you can sure eat those awesome eggs the girls provide, however!

Farmer Stephanie's first observation about hand-feeding:  The girls will peck at the nail polish because they are attracted to the bright color.  I figured this out, however, so my nails are painted the palest pink possible.

Second observation: They are pigs when it comes to treats.  Our girls love unpeeled bananas, grapes, greens, and wormy tomatoes from our garden.  Found some slightly ripe pears on my early AM walk. I hope they'll enjoy it.  I'll let you know.

Third observation:  They do not like broccoli.  At least my girls don't.  This is good, though, because Farmer Stephanie's hubby, Not a Farmer Mike, won't have to share his favorite veggie.  That's OK as the girls can have my portion.

Other goings-on at Pine Street Farm: Now is the time to get our seeds in the raised beds for salad greens, broccoli, celery, flat leaf parsley, and green onions.  I will be adding more organic material to the beds before seeding.  Every time I see something green peek its head up after a week or two I am always amazed at the miracle of life underneath the soil.

Happy Farming!


  1. Great post! I'm enjoying my vacation, but wish I was there to help! Save me something to do!

  2. I think they can smell the chicken on my breath! Bwa-ha-ha-ha!
